Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ham Radio class in January?

I'm thinking of starting up another Ham Radio class in January 2009, probably the 2nd week of January.

Just wanted to see what the interest level might be? I have Tue, Wed,or Thursday open. I was thinking of doing it on a Thursday night togive a day open other than Tue. night leadership meetings and Tu/Wed.night youth activities so that anyone who wants to attend may have that day open?

Sign up for a Yahoo account and join our group to get future announcements.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Midlife crisis? PhD program

Well, the other day I was waxing philosophical and I thought to myself, Hmmm...based on the average life expectancy in the U.S. and my age now, I'm probably "1/2 way through my life"! Then, I got thinking and considering the fact that I don't drink or smoke, I may add an additional 5-7 years on to that (not quite 1/2 way over with that).

Anyway, I have aspirations at becoming a Univ. College Professor, which means I'll have to pursue a PhD at some point. I guess I'd better get going on that :) Or at least planning for when I'll start, what my disseratation topic will be and where I want to get my degree from.

I started "shopping around" for a PhD program and found two that might fit well for me, one at CU-Denver and the other at CU-Boulder.

The other day I got a flyer in the mail from Univ. of Colorado, Health Sciences promoting their latest "Computational BioScience" PhD program:

That kind of interested me too. However, when I read the admission requirements of some advanced, graduate level, biology classes I thought twice about it. I'd have to take 3-9 credits of undergraduate and graduate biology just to get myself "up to speed" in the biological sciences. I don't think Biology 101 at BYU would count :-)

I have done general reading in news papers and online articles about science, medicine, and new drugs that come out all the time, and the subject is fascinating to me. There was a good special in PBS about "epigenetics" that really interested me too. (see:

I really like Math & Science and biology is a different twist on science and a different domain field of knowledge. I have had several co-workers and graduate classmates that went from a Master's in Biology to computer programming or getting a M.S. in Computer science. Perhaps Biologists are much smarter than computer programmers (probably true), but if you can go from one to other, perhaps I could go from CS to Biology?


I can't wait for Thanksgiving tomorrow. It represents the start of the Christmas season. I hope the weather stays warm enough to put out Christmas lights outside on Friday. I usually hook up a timer to the outside lights, but I'm a bit frustrated because I can't seem to find the timer from last year. Maybe it will turn up when I start digging out the Christmas boxes?

I'm also looking forward to going to Seattle this Christmas to visit my Sister & Brother-in-law and my nieces and nephews. I haven't been back there for several years and I'm looking forward to leaving Denver for a little trip.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Updating my blog pages

Well I finally decided to update my blog pages with "followers", RSS Feeds and links to other blogs. The funny thing is many of the other blogs I'm following haven't been updated in years! :-) Come on guys, start blogging!