Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Garden planted - lawn work

Well last week we planted our garden and it was just in time! It turned into Seattle like rainy weather here in Denver recently. This is going to be good not only for our Garden, but also for our lawn.

I also am finally finishing burying the sprinkler system in my back yard. Lots of work! It will be nice when it's all done though!

iPhone app - first payment

Well, I finally received my first payment for the first batch of downloads. I'm thinking about whether or not it was worth it? It has been a learning experience.

For instance, my service provider changed the links from out underneath me and then I got a few bad ratings during the week or so it took Apple to approve the new update.

I don't know if my app. will ever recover from all the bad ratings. No one has yet rated the "new" version of the app. with the links fixed. I think their rating system leaves much to be desired still. I tried to check out the ratings, but their rating system is temporarily down for maintenance. Oh well.

p.s. I'll have to either sell a lot more, or raise my price before I even come close to breaking even on it yet.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

iPhone app approved & updated

Well, I just finished releasing version 1.01 of my latest iPhone app (Denver Traffic Master). I had to wait nearly 30 days+ for my app. to be approved by Apple but it finally made it. I just added some more camera views (at the suggestion of a friend), although I had that idea on my list of things to add, he sort of reminded me that I needed to do that.

Anyway, I've sold around 120+ apps so far. I have to have well over $1,000 before I can even break even on my investment, but I'm optimistic.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

iPhone Development

I just decided to "go to the dark side" and actually buy a MacMini so that I could do iPhone development. After a week or so of owning a Mac I must say that I'm actually quite impressed with the OS and system.

I friend of mine showed me a great book to purchase and the author even has a blog too.

There is even a twitter list of iPhone developers so you can contact each other.

This is the link for the spreadsheet:

This is the link to add yourself to the list:

Friday, January 9, 2009

Looking forward to the first ski trip of the season

I'm looking forward to my first ski trip of the season. I'll be going with a couple of friends. Hopefully I'll have some good pics. to post after the trip.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 New Year's resolutions

Well, like most people I want to make and keep some realistic New Year's resolutions. When we had our online business we discovered that anything related to exercise and dieting always sold REALLY WELL in January, and some in February. This was a result of those New Year's resolutions to lose weight.

Well, even though I don't have to lose weight, I really need to exercise (at least some) for my general health and well being.

Here are some of my resolutions:
  • exercise more
  • have more patience with others (like when you pull up to a drive-through at McDonald's or Taco Bell and discover they didn't put in any Ketchup in the bag even though you ordered fries, or they hear you say "water" to drink and assume this means you REALLY didn't want ANYTHING to drink)
  • try to find more "balance" in life - this one is always a constant struggle. I tend to focus on one thing pretty easily, but I hate stopping a task part-way through (even though the tasks can spread out over several days)
  • charity - more charity towards others. This involves giving to people in need when you can. However, sometimes charity is knowing when NOT to give and helping people help themselves. It can even be as simple as NOT judging others by the appearance of their circumstances. I've learned over the years that even though many people appear to be happy in public, they have the same struggles and trials as everyone, you may just not be aware of it. Sometimes people are doing the best they can although it may not be readily apparent.
  • better fiscal discipline - with the economy turning sour it's more important now than ever to be frugal and practice thrift.
  • gratitude - Here in the USA we are one of the most wealthy of all nations, yet sometimes we take for granted the simplest things. I heard a statistic once that said if you own more than one pair of shoes (i.e. 2, 3, 4 pairs of shoes) your considered RICH in comparison to the rest of the world's population.
I'm sure I'll think of more but there's a start.