Wednesday, May 27, 2009

iPhone app - first payment

Well, I finally received my first payment for the first batch of downloads. I'm thinking about whether or not it was worth it? It has been a learning experience.

For instance, my service provider changed the links from out underneath me and then I got a few bad ratings during the week or so it took Apple to approve the new update.

I don't know if my app. will ever recover from all the bad ratings. No one has yet rated the "new" version of the app. with the links fixed. I think their rating system leaves much to be desired still. I tried to check out the ratings, but their rating system is temporarily down for maintenance. Oh well.

p.s. I'll have to either sell a lot more, or raise my price before I even come close to breaking even on it yet.

1 comment:

Silus Grok said...

Perhaps I've missed it … but you've spoken a number of times (obliquely) about this mysterious app. But you've never linked to it.

Linking to it might really improve sales.
